Is Your Baby Breech?

Breech Happens

If you’ve been told by your midwife or OB/GYN that your baby isn’t in the best position for a vaginal birth, or breech, you know what kind of stress this can bring on.

Our team can help! We safely use these techniques to make more space for baby to settle into the best positions. These techniques are gentle, safe, and effective.


What to expect:

At Amazing Births and Beyond, we use a combination of chiropractic treatments and acupuncture to help encourage a cephalic presentation.

  • Acupuncture: We generally recommend acupuncture 1-2 times per week to help encourage baby to turn, reduce stress, and to relax any tight muscles that might be preventing an ideal presentation. 
  • Chiropractic: We generally recommend chiropractic treatments 3 times per week, for two weeks. Using the Webster Technique, extra space is created in the pelvis region, allowing baby to use gravity to move into better position.

After treatment, you will generally feel an increase in fetal movement, and an overall sense of relaxation and well-being.

When to receive treatment:

Chiropractic care is safe and beneficial throughout pregnancy. If your baby is not in the head down position as you reach 32 weeks, it is a good idea to initiate care and get proactive to encourage them. Success rates are greater when beginning earlier.

What else can I do?

  • Swimming: any type of swimming with your stomach down in the water can take the pressures of gravity off your uterus and allow baby to move into a good position.
  • Dance: put your favorite music on and make sure to let your hips rock!
  • Talk to your baby: Baby can hear your voice and some women have reported success with asking baby to adjust his or her position.
  • Moxibustion
  • Spinning Babies: The positions on this website can help your baby settle into position and are highly recommended. We also recommend using this site throughout your pregnancy to help prevent breech presentation. We also teach these movements and exercises in our Spinning Babies Parent’s Class to ensure they are being practiced safely and correctly.
  • Talk to your doctor about performing an external cephalic version or other medical interventions.


Get adjusted by a Webster Certified chiropractor to relieve discomfort, create space for optimal positioning of the baby, and prepare your body for a smooth birth.

Spinning Babies

Take our Spinning Babies class to learn all about practical ways to help your baby in the best position to fit the pelvis and flip your breech baby into a head down position.

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